tout pour le plaisir
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Format: mkv Size: 471.84 MB Width: 672 Height: 416 Duration: 01:19:14
Carole Gire, Dolores Manta, Maryline Guillaume, Siegried Cellier, Andre Miller, Chris Martin, Dominique Aveline, Gilles Kervizic, Guy Royer, Jean-Baptiste Ory
'70s, '80s, Classic, Classic Plot, Ethnic, European, Feature, France, International, Plot Oriented, Popular with Women
An absolute chef-d'oeuvre from France's Cinema X era. The story of three young ladies - including SIEGRIED CELLIER - on their irresistible descent into hell, all of them on a quest for unrestrained total pleasure. The first x-rated film by the talented FRANCIS LEROI. It met triumphant success when it debuted on December 22, 1976 under the title Tout Pour Le Plaisir in ALPHA FRANCE cinemas. This title is a previously released item This title ships on a DVD-R format disc. Please note, some DVD players may not be able to play this format. Please make sure your DVD player is compatible with this format before purchasing this title.