Foxy Lady 2
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Format: mkv Size: 442.61 MB Width: 640 Height: 480 Duration: 01:43:41
Angie Marston, Beate Friedman, Britta Stine, Gerlinde Bodeker, Sarah Simms, Teresa Orlowski, Andreas Westphal, Christoph Clark, Gabriel Pontello, Gerard Luig, Robert Schmidt
'80s, Classic, Classic Plot, Classic Star Showcase, Ethnic, European, German Language, International, International Star Showcase, Language, Plot Oriented, Star Showcase
Teresa Orlowski (French)
This classic film from the 1980s features the legendary, nay, the godlike Teresa Orlowski in her purest form. Ignore the 80s hair sometimes bushy pussies, because this is a traditional porn through and through. A nice plot sets up the scene and then you'll see your usual antics with sex and blowjobs galore. Nothing competes with a classic.