Cadence Lux
Description : Cadence Lux is a sex worker, and she's looking for a job. The adult bookstore not too far from her apartment is hiring! She knows the store's rep, too. It's a dirty place, and it's more than just a place to pick up a dirty movie. They're a stripper's area, and there's even old-school jerk booths, where a man can be on one side of the glass partition, talking dirty into a telephone while the girl on the other side gets naked and plays with herself!! The store's manager gives Cadence a tour of the joint as part of the interview, and at the end of his tour, he has her step into another section of the store -- the arcade booth. It's a private booth where anyone can preview a dirty movie! But Cadence is curious! Why did the manager have her step into the booth? Sure, there's a dirty movie playing...but Cadence wonders, aloud, what the? Which is about the time the first enormous black cock comes through the hole! Soon after, there's a second! Thinking this must be the "sure-fire way" to get the job, Cadence sucks and fucks and swallows. What's next for Cadence? You'll see!!
Actors: Cadence Lux
Duration: 00:21:50
Video format MPEG-4
Extension: 1280x720
Size: 714.3 MB
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