Blacks Next Door / (Marc Curtis (as Mark Curtis), Caballero) (Ebony Ayes, FM Bradley, Frank James, Jeannie Pepper, Purple Passion, Ray Victory)
Date of release: 1988
"They Add New Meaning To The Good Neighbor Policy..." This is the video that lays it on the line - the color line - and boldy shows what everybody (deep down) really knows: blacks can be the hottest and wildest asset to bring new sass, spice, and spirit to a strictly white neighborhood.At first, the white couple, Frank and Liz, try to make their black neighbors, Victor and Passion, leave by playing various tricks: One of them dressing up as a black hooker to seduce Victor and break up their marriage, but that ends in a wild three-way. Then they try to scare them off by dressing up as ghosts in white sheets, but they're soon balling among the sheets in a hot orgy action.
File Extension: avi
Video Size: 1.37 GB
Duration: 01:11:44
Resolution: 720x544