A Bit Of A Size Queen
AJ thought he had it all figured out: instead of trolling bars and internet singles sites, he'd simply order a wife by mail. He picked out a beautiful Hungarian girl named Yasmin. Just the sound of her name along with her profile picture was enough to send him into a swoon. He flew first-class to Hungary to meet and marry his young bride. The entire trip home was spent leering at her perfect breasts, using his eyes to make love to that sweet girl. When they finally consummated their marriage, their union quickly took the express elevator to hell. Yasmin, you see, is a bit of a size queen. And AJ's size leaves quite a bit to be desired...
Yasmin Gold
Cuckold, Femdom
Pics: 83
Name: 129.zip
Resolution: 1500x1000
Size: 31 Mb
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