Cast: Mazzy
Genres: All Sex, Amateur
I just couldn�t help it and once again, now for the last time. It works just incredibly with women, so why shouldn�t I use this trick once more? I was incredibly lucky because I ran into the beautiful 18-years-old Iveta and she agreed to join me for a couple of free rest. I really wanted to enjoy this evening so I omitted classical beating around the bush and asked her straight forward to fuck with me for 30,000 CZK. If you expected her to slap me, get angry or run away, you were so terribly mistaken. First, Iveta did not trust me at all. She was convinced I�m just making fun of her. Only after I showed her the money and waved 30,000 CZK in front of her eyes, she realized I was being serious. I gave her no time to change her mind and brought her to my place where I fucked her HARD.
Format: Windows Media
Duration: 21:27
Video: 720x576, Windows Media Video V8
Audio: 124kbps
File size: 486.7 MB
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