Genres: All Sex, Amateur
However, I�m not lazing anywhere on beach, quite contrary, with a camera in my hand, ready for any kind of action, I�m filming delicate women and testing them with the hot cash. You seemed to like my last trick, I decided to try it once more. I chose a small restaurant and picked some nice girls. We all know that girls just love stuff they can get for free; it really works. I was lucky and very soon met this gorgeous 19-years-old and lured her into that restaurant. She made my head spin; when you see her, you�ll know why. We were sitting, chit-chatting. About two hours later, I started to act and invited her into my place. I�m not sure where she found the energy to protest, but I patiently continued with the sweet talk and it was worth it. In my kingdom I screwed her sweet pussy hard and got the reward I was looking for.
Format: Windows Media
Duration: 20:22
Video: 720x576, Windows Media Video V8
Audio: 125kbps
File size: 462.1 MB
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